I believe we have more than
five senses and the sixth sense is intuition. Our intuition is very powerful,
yet, most of the time we choose to ignore it for some reason. Let’s face it, we
all have it and it plays with our reasoning refusing to let go, yet logic or
what we perceive to be logical often takes centre stage discarding our
intuition to the back of the queue. I often think there is a battle between a
logical step for our brains and what our intuition is telling us to do. You
have to question why is that battle taking place? Have we over time and
evolution forgotten how to use our intuition and replaced it with so called
Descartes said, “cogito ergo sum,” translated into English: “I think, therefore
I am,” which means if I doubted my existence than either someone else is doing
the doubting or I exist. Descartes believed that sensory perceptions were
spontaneous; and of free will, and so came to him from a world outside his
mind, and that God would not deceive him.
Whether you
believe in God or not, you have to ask yourself where intuitions come from, I know I
have the inclination to believe there is more we don’t know than the knowledge
we do have? Immanuel Kant, the philosopher likened intuition to perception where
memory can call upon internal intuitions as time, whereas external intuitions
are conceptualised as space, our minds are then free to accept or reject either
rationale. We use our senses all the time to receive information about our
surroundings; our sight receives images to the brain, our sense of smell, our
hearing, our taste buds, and our touch, all these add messages to the mind's
reality without intuition acting like an inspirational radio wave.
Intuition is often associated with a spiritual awareness,
as if a flash of genius comes from nowhere. The Zen belief is such that in
meditation we leave material reality and our spiritual intuition guides our
path to a deeper enlightenment, thereby, acquiring a perception that is not based
on materialism but our knowledge is more transcendental.
Why is it
important, well you
could win the lottery? Fancy predicting the winning numbers? This would be one
use and there are many more which often save us from disaster.
To summarise we can say that intuition gives us that
perception that I believe computers will never have, it seems to me as a gift
that we must learn to master to help us on the journey through life. Intuition
either exists or it doesn’t there is no halfway house as is the law of the
excluded middle.
Are you listening, what are you dreaming?
As Jesus said, “belief is everything.”
In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.
Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.
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