Sunday, 4 May 2014

The Secret of Success

The secret of success is effort and determination; I have a Masters’ in Science MSc (Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)), and Bachelor of Science Honours BSc Hons (Computing), and both of these degrees took a great deal of effort on my part combined with the determination to succeed.

Give me an Olympic gold for effort, because without it, you are not going anywhere. And I mean it. There are no shortcuts in life, you only imagine there are. Every person is captain of their own ship, where you want to go, it’s up to you. Your success is not proportional to the effort you put in, that part is purely random

I can win the lottery in a second, but spend a lifetime finding a cure for cancer. Which is more rewarding?

Currently, I am working on my third book which is a novel and believe me it is hard work with no guarantee of success.

Do not fear failure because the act of taking part is a success. When an athlete takes part in a race there are many competitors but there can be only one winner, but getting there and taking part is a success.

Remember Confucius said,” a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”


King Solomon said, “Gold, silver, and rubies are nice, but we treasure far above those knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

We dream of our tower of Babel. Only then will we see it fall. The words of King Solomon who spoke about the vanity of vanities can we understand this reason so shall we be free. The prophecy of Babylon the Bible wrote shall be forever. 

Are you listening,  what are you dreaming?

As Jesus said, “belief is everything.”

In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.


Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.

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Which would you prefer half-price digital or paperback?

 Read my latest book "It's Never Too Late" by Anthony Fox,  published by Chipmunka Publishing

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