And I am not
joking. This is the short version because this story is included in my latest
book to be published. ”It’s Never Too Late”
I woke one
day and I was broke. You see I suffer from what they used to call, back in the
old days, manic depression, but today's buzz word is bipolar. And one of the
characteristics of bipolar disorder is you have very little control sometimes
about how you spend your hard earned money. It is hard earned, when you have not
got any. You become a spending junkie and the only rehab available is going
My condition
made managing money extremely difficult, which is often a common characteristic
of the disorder. I was worse than a banker on speed. The only difference from me and a
banker, I was spending my money. At least, they get to spend other people’s
money, which is a lot healthier.
Then one day
I started to list the things in my mind which I had bought, takeaway meals
here, video rentals there, the odd T-shirt and many other items I could
have done without over the previous months. The money I had given away to
friends and family over the years. It was crazy I had wasted so much money just
here and there. Then I started to think deeper and then I remembered. Oh, shit,
I remembered the beauty treatment fiasco.
Of course,
there was this time when I spent the cost a holiday on beauty products I did
not need. You can laugh, what did I need beauty products for? I am over
fifty and lucky I have still got some hair on my head.
Are you listening, what are you dreaming?
As Jesus said, “belief is everything.”
In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.
Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.
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Being bipolar tends to make people think you are a lunatic but the question is are you not?